Historical-Genealogical Notes of the Freitas Teixeira Spínola de Castelbranco Family (15th-20th Centuries)


  • Luís Miguel Pulido Garcia Cardoso de Menezes


The present work is based on a manuscript by Fernão Pedro João Alfredo de Freitas Teixeira de Spínola de Castelbranco, entitled From Freitas Teixeira de Spínola de Castelbranco, Funchal, 1925, seeking to develop it in two distinct parts: the 1st of a biographical-historical nature, which describes the most prominent members of this family Castelbranco Manuel and Teixeira Spínola de Castelbranco, who stand out in the parliamentary, military and constitutional cause areas, in the diplomatic career and in culture, academics and university professors; and the 2nd part in the development of families and lines granted to this family by coat of arms (in 3-4-1807 and 15-6-1857), namely 1st Castelbanco, 2nd Freitas, 3rd Teixeira, 4th Spínola, adding the line of Costa Manuel and the Acciaiuoli.


Manuscript; Biography; History; Politics; Parliamentary; Family; Genealogy; Castelbranco Manuel; Teixeira Spínola de Castelbranco; Coat of Arms.





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