The Business Structure of Madeira in the Post-Accession Period to the European Community (1988-2008): Performance Analysis
This article analyzes the sectoral performance of the firms of the Autonomous Region of Madeira (RAM) in the period between 1988 and 2008. By observing the financial results of the sampled companies, the aim is to study the performance of each business sector facing the challenges of ultra-peripheral regions in the context of post-European integration. The article analyzes the levels of growth and business dynamics of trade, industry and services, comparing them with each other, putting them into context with the economic events and specificities of the regional economy. The convenience sample contains accounting data from 545 companies in the regional business fabric, which took part in the annual initiative of the 100 largest companies in RAM. The sample data is the only regional semi-public database.
Autonomous Region of Madeira; Economic Indicators; 100 Largest Companies.
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