Health House S. João de Deus (Funchal, 1960-2018) – Contributions to its History


  • Aires Gameiro


This article is a synthesis of the history of the Casa de Saúde (Health House) S. João de Deus, Funchal, from 1960 to 2018. It begins by summarizing the backgrounds: it gives notes on the economy, the sugarcane and wine cycles, as alcoholism factors, tourism and migration. It recalls the first reference to alienated people, the role of the Misericórdia Hospital in Funchal, the reaction of Miguel Bombarda and the short existence of the Manicómio Câmara Pestana (1906-1925). It refers to various attempts to associate the Brothers of St. John of God with the care of the mentally ill in Madeira and its protagonists, and finally the foundation and inauguration (1922 and 1924) and evolution from 1924 to 1960: buildings, patient increase, therapeutical means, occupational therapies and human resources.
It highlights the growing number of inpatients and facilities. It points out the trends in deinstitutionalization, social and community psychiatry, new psychopharmaceuticals, revolving door, specific treatment of alcoholics to explain the progressive reduction of hospitalized patients. The construction and renovation of buildings for alcoholics, acute patients, cultural and occupational activities (sports center, laundry / clothes shop, workshops and psychosocial rehabilitation units). It describes the evolution of the technical staff and other human resources, compulsory hospitalization of patients by the courts, creation of rehabilitation units, re-qualification of some buildings and suppression of architectural barriers. And as the Health House went from five treatment units and valences to 12 in parallel with processes of quality and accreditation, functioning of the School of Hospitality and official and private partnerships. Numerous technical training actions, congresses, meetings and conventions organized by the Casa de Saúde and the Instituto S. João de Deus, as well as the cultural acts to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Casa de Saúde and publications, will be referenced. The technical human resources until 2018, recent valences and statistics of patients and partnerships will be referred to. It will end with some medium-term care perspectives and essential bibliographical references.


Casa de Saúde (Health House) S. João de Deus; Funchal – Madeira; Mental Health and Psychiatry; Alienated People; Alcoholism; History of Mental Health Services; Madeiran Psychiatrists; History of Madeira.





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