A Multiethnic Trajectory within Identity and Consciousness. João Fernandes Vieira’s Case
João Fernandes Vieira’s story has been chosen because it seems to trace a quintessential Atlantic journey. A Tricontinental trajectory that etymologically derives from the Latin traicere: “to pass beyond” a point in motion, and in relation to a reference system. Therefore, it turns out to be the most appropriate term to name a life path that actually crossed the limits of his time. First, the meanings of identity and consciousness; must be defined and so it has been decided to opt for an epistemological study that involved: Philosophy, Biology, Neurology, Chemistry, Psychology and Sociology. Through this research, different tools have been collected that will be used as vectors both to guide the gnoseological understanding and its application in social contexts.
The narrative element has emerged as one of the most important, capable of shaping the interactions between consciousness and identity, as well as influencing the emotional responses of the individual, struggling inside a real internal conflict.
The “soul phases” methodology of analysis is suitable for the evaluation of the experience, or better the trajectory, of João Fernandes Vieira’s life. The soul phases method allows to follow that dynamism aforementioned.
The peculiarity of the path traced by João Fernandes Vieira lies in the information available, sometimes rich, detailed and fictionalized, sometimes scarce, null or clearly altered by Vieira himself. This certifies a friction between consciousness and identity that led him to sublimate political-media strategy of social affirmation.
Identity; Consciousness; Memory; Forms of Dependence; Narrative Personality; Sameness; Selfhood; Outsider; João Fernandes Vieira; Multiethnicity.
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